Friday, July 15, 2011

All About Me Lapbook

We finished a week of learning about “all about me.”
The boys learned about…
    • Location: where they live, country, city, neighbourhood, address
    • Information: Important phone numbers to know such as mommy and daddy’s cell phone numbers
    • All about their house: what their bedroom is like, what they like about it etc.
    • Their favourite things: they LOVED this. It their minibook that they made we spent a lot of time printing pictures of their favourite things like cars, Bakugans, Transformers, Lego's….etc. My youngest LOVES rainbow dogs and we even found a picture of a white dog on the internet that rolled in a chalk-drawn rainbow and turned into a rainbow!
    • Stats: such as their height, weight, eye colour, hair colour etc.
    • I interviewed them with several random questions…this was so funny to hear their responses.  My youngest was asked what heaven was like. His response,” Heaven is like a big mountain. Jesus lives in there and you get to play,   It’s a castle and a kingdom. And the best part is you get to wear a knight helmet!” My oldest was asked why the sky is blue. His comment, “It gives the birds lots of oxygen. It gives the cloud lots of love. It gives lots of air to people, and it can make all the people breath.”
    • Books: We love to read in our home!! It was very fun to find out what the children’s favourite books were!
    • Dreaming: We talked about what they wanted to do when the grow up and things they wanted to learn about. Great way to get them involved in realizing they have a destiny!
    • We even made a personalized book about them. (see website posted below).
    • The boys’ favourite part was going to Michaels to pick out stickers to decorate their books!
Websites used to create this lapbook.

My youngest son’s title page.IMG_6458

Here is the lapbook opened. I used two lapbooks and glued them together just to allow for more space.


Things that we do with our hands to help others!! All dictated by my three year old!!

My oldest LOVES skeleton and pirate stuff. I wasn’t too thrilled about his, but his response to why he liked skeletons so much, “Oh mommy, I love bones!.” You never know….maybe we have a future orthopedic surgeon in our midst!

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