Sunday, August 7, 2011

T is for tooth: The Tale of the Lost Tooth!

My oldest lost his third tooth today!! It was an exciting day in our home!
It started off with a sweet 6 year old realizing his tooth was extremely loose this morning. He showed his friends at church and even grossed out his teacher in class with wiggling it!! He tried pulling it out with tweezers, he twisted it around with his tongue and he even let mommy try and wiggle it out. It was his mission to loose that tooth today!! So after dinner he begged us for an apple. He took a couple bites of it and out popped on shiny white tooth!! What a BIG smile on his face!!
He reminded my husband and I that he got $5 for his first tooth and $10 for his second. He told me he was thinking the tooth fairy had a pattern and he would  get $15 for his third tooth.  He told me tonight when I was tucking him into bed that he “would be happy with anything more than $9.” I asked him why he had such a specific price in mind. He told me that he wanted to buy a Bakugan and they are “nine dollars plus GST!”
That is the tale of the lost tooth! I would love to hear your stories under the comment section!!

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